( This article has been published in the Jyotisha-Visheshaanka -2014 AD of Kalyaana magazine by Gitapress.)

* Start
* Overview
* Hindu Calendar
* Planetary Traits-1
* Origin and Meaning of Horoscopic Houses
* Own Sign, Exaltation and Moola Trikona of Nodes
* Friendships
* How To Make Correct Predictions
* Ayanamsha vs Precession
* Bhaavachalita
* Udaya-Asta or Heliacal Risings and Settings
* Origin of 150 Naadis
* Vimshottari Year Length
* Dashaa-Level Nomenclature
* Sudarshana Chakra
* Arudha-pada and Other Padas
* Ashtaka Varga
* Vipareet Raja Yoga
* Karakamsha
* Planetary War
* MD and AD results - Laghu Parashari
* Strength of a House
* Four Purusharthas as Four Trikonas in Horoscope
* Four Types of Faiths in Vedic Astrology
* Eight Gatis or Speeds
* Main Strength versus Shadbala
* Divisional Charts
* Non Luminous Upagrahas and Gulika or Mandi etc
* Diabetes or Madhumeha
* Shashtyamsha Deities
* Varga-Categories and Vargottama
* Effects of A Planet In Antardashaa of Relative or Sadharmi
* Compatibility or Melapaka
* Planetary RETURN Charts
* Rationale behind Exaltations of Planets
* Astrological Mathematics of Menstrual Cycle
* Mean versus True Time and Measure of Day or Ghati
* Weekday Sequence - Indian View
* Bhaavas from all Bhaavas
* Maangalika Dosha
* Bhrigu Bindu
* Sarvato-Bhadra Chakra
* Vaar
* SSS01
* SSS02
* SSS03
* Donald Trump
* Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh
* Swami Ramakrishna Paramhamsa
* Indira Gandhi
* Indira Gandhi -HINDI
* AAm Adami Party
* Arvind Kejriwal
* Congress vs BJP 2014
* Swearing-In Muhurta Of New Indian Govt In 2014
* Narendra Modi
* Birth Chart Of Gopinath Munde
* Lord Rama
* Jayalalita
* Prediction Of Death
* Indo-Pak Cricket Match in World Cup 14 Feb 2015 Adelaide
* Prophet Muhammad
* David Cameron
* Nitish Kumar
* Amir Khan
* Ram Rahim
* Amitabh Bachchan Covid19
* Yogi Adityanath
* Raaj-Jyotisha
* National Income
* General Principles
* Sapta-Nadi Chakra
* China-Japan War 1281 A.D.
* Annual Rains in India
* Rain Forecast for 2013-4
* Rain Charts for 2014-5
* Weather Forecasting - Temperature &c
* Invasion Of India--Battle of Plassey
* Invasion Of India--Alexander
* Divya Varsha-phala--1579-1939 AD
* Divya Maasa-phala--1999-2029 AD
* Uttarakhand Cataclysm--mid June 2013
* World Rains Data Analysis of 1956-7
* Eclipses
* Earthquake of Nepal 25 Apr 2015
* Terror Attack on Uri 18 Sep 2016
* Fani फणि चक्रवात
* Biporjoy विपदा चक्रवात
( This article has been published in the Jyotisha-Visheshaanka -2014 AD of Kalyaana magazine by Gitapress.)