
Interplay of Panchadhā Maitree, Relations, Aspects

When two planets influence each other through any RELATION, we must take into account the QUALITY of that relation as well. The quality may be fast-friendly, friendly, neutral, inimical, and bitter-inimical. Hence, it is called Panchadhā-Maitree. Panchadhā-Maitree is made by means of combining Naisargika (natural) maitree with Tātkālika maitree. If both Naisargika and Tātkālika are friendly, the result will be fast-friendly, if both are inimical the result will be bitter-inimical, if one is inimical and the other is neutral then the result will be inimical, and so on.

RELATION is of four types :

(1) mutual sign ownership relation (when two planets are in signs owned by each other : it is the most powerful relation) ,

(2) Lord's aspect relation : it is one-way relation when one planet is in the sign owned by another and is also aspected significantly , if the aspect is near-total then it is also a very powerful relation ;

(3) when two planets are in same house, it is also a powerful relation ; and

(4) when two planets have significant aspects on each other : if mutual aspects are almost total then it is also a very powerful relation, but if influences from other planets are absent then even 25% mutual aspect relation will become significant.

When we judge the friendships of Mars, it shows the attitude of Mars towards other planets, irrespective of the attitudes of those planets towards Mars. Same with aspects. In Kundalee Software, I have clearly indicated "Viewer" and "Viewed" in the aspect table of initial page. Relations and friendships of planets function as in the case of human beings. Humans sometimes love their enemies. So do planets. If planet A considers planet B as enemy but the reverse is not true, then the AD of B in MD of A will be bad because A will give its bad results during AD of its foe. But the reverse will not be the same, i.e., B will not give bad results during AD of A because A does not consider B as foe.

Naisargika Friendships must never be used directly for chart analysis : its sole use is to compute Panchadhā-Maitree, the latter is displayed in softwares and is to be used for chart analysis. Hence, if Moon is not inimical to any planet in its Naisargika friendships, it only implies that Moon will never be bitter enemy of any planet in Panchadhā Maitree, but Moon will be inimical to another planet in Panchadhā Maitree if it is inimical in Tātkālika and neutral in Naisargika.

Natural Friendships and Enmities of Planets

Ancient authority on Vedic Astrology Satyāchārya wrote :
स्वत्रिकोणाद् धनोच्चायुःसुखान्त्यमतिधर्मपा । सुहृदः शत्रवश्चान्ये समा उभयथोदिताः ।।

It means : Lords of 2nd, uchcha (exaltation), 8th, 4th, 12th, 5th and 9th houses from Moola-trikona (trine) of a planet are (Naisargika or natural) friends of that planet, lords of other houses from Moola-trikona are enemies, and lords of both are neutral.

Thus, lords of 2-12, 5-9, 4-8 houses from Moola-trikona are natural friends of a planet. Let us see examples.

Sun's moola-trikona lies in Leo (20 degrees in Leo and before 20 degrees in Leo, from 20 to 30 degrees in Leo is own sign of Sun). From 2-12, 5-9, 4-8 houses from Moola-trikona of Sun are friendly signs, namely 1-4-6-8-9-12 signs (counting from Mesha = 1), which leaves 2-3-5-7-10-11 as inimical signs. Lords of these signs make lord of 4th sign Cancer Moon, lord of 1-8 or Mesha-Vrishchika Mars and lord of 9-12 or Dhanu-Meena Jupiter natural friends of Sun. Enemy signs have Venus as lord of 2-7 (Vrish and Tulā) and Saturn as lord of 10-11 (Makara-Kumbha). Mercury is neutral to Sun because 6th sign Kanyā is friendly to Sun and 3rd sign Mithuna is inimical to Sun. Uchcha (exaltation) of Sun Mesha (Aries) is 9th from its Moola-trikona, which is friendly. Hence, it makes no difference in friendships. We find the same conclusions in BPHS (Brihat Parāshara Horā Shāstra).

In the same way, put moola-trikona of any planet in lagna and find out the natural friendships with other planets according to above rule of Satyāchārya, you will find exactly the same conclusions as mentioned in BPHS. Three special cases need to discussed in this regard, as follows.

If we take into account only lords of 2-12, 5-9, 4-8 houses from Moola-trikona as natural friends and neglect "uchcha", we get three exceptions differing from natural friendships as mentioned in BPHS :

BPHS says Venus is neutral to Moon, but we get Venus as enemy of Moon because lords of 2-12, 5-9, 4-8 houses from Moola-trikona as natural friends and the remaining are enemies, while from Moon's Moola-trikona Vrisha the signs owned by Venus are in 1rst and 6th houses which are both inimical. But the uchcha of Moon is Vrish which is the first house from Moola-trikona (i.e., moola-trikona and uchcha of Moon are in same sign). Hence, out of two signs owned by Venus we get one friendly sign Vrish and one inimical sign Tulā , thereby making Venus neutral or Sama to Moon.

Similarly, BPHS says Saturn is neutral to Mars, but we find Makara and Kumbha in 10th and 11th houses from Mesha which is moola-trikona of Mars. Hence, Saturn should be a natural enemy of Mars. But exaltation of Mars is Makara, hence Makara becomes friendly to Mars and only Kumbha remains enemy. As a result, Saturn must be neutral to Mars. This is what BPHS says.

Jupiter's signs Dhanu and Meena are in 3rd and 6th houses from the moola-trikona of Venus in Tulā. Hence, Jupiter ought to be inimical to Venus. But Meena is exaltation for Venus, hence friendly according to the rule mentioned by Satyāchārya. Therefore, Jupiter must be neutral to Venus. This is what BPHS says.

In all remaining cases, houses of exaltation are already friendly as per ownerships, hence no conflict arises. When conflicts arise, as in afore-mentioned three cases, house of exaltation must be treated as friendly as mentioned in the verse above.

CONCLUSION : BPHS follows the rule mentioned by Satyāchārya. Now, we should apply this correct rule to the **natural friendships of nodes.

Natural Friendships and Enmities of Nodes

Friendships of Nodes to Other planets, Computed from Moolatrikonas of Nodes :

BPHS says that Rāhu's moola-trikona lies in Mithuna. Hence, Rāhu's friendly signs should be 2-4-6-7-10-11 signs (counting from Mesha = 1) and enemy signs should be 1-3-5-8-9-12. Rāhu's exaltation Vrish is 12th from its Moola-trikona and therefore already friendly, hence it calls for no change. As a result, we get Moon-Venus-Saturn as natural friends of Rāhu, Sun-Mars-Jupiter as natural enemies of Rāhu, and Mercury as neutral. English translator of BPHS R. Santhanam writes : "Rahu : Sun, Moon and Mars are his enemies. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are his friends. Mercury is his neutral." In his statement, interchange Jupiter with Moon and it will be correct. Santhanam erred in the case of Rahu:Jupiter and Rahu:Moon, and did not care to explain either his source or logic. But the logic of Satyacharya works in 100% cases, hence we must accept that in Rahu's case too. Rahu's own sign may be debated by some, but there is no debate about Jupiter. Hence, Santhanam dis not follow ANY rule at all and there is no logic in his favour.

BPHS says thar Ketu's moola-trikona lies in Dhanu. Hence, Ketu's friendly signs should be 1-4-5-8-10-12 signs (counting from Mesha = 1) and enemy signs should be 2-3-6-7-9-11. Ketu's exaltation Vrishchika is 12th from its Moola-trikona and therefore already friendly, hence it calls for no change. As a result, we get Sun-Moon-Mars as natural friends of Ketu, Mercury-Venus as natural enemies of Ketu, and Jupiter-Saturn as neutral.

Friendships of Planets to Nodes, Computed from Moolatrikonas of Other Planets :

Applying the same rule, natural friendships of nodes with other planets are as follows :

Sun : Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = friend.
Moon: Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = enemy.
Mars : Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = friend.
Merc: Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = enemy.
Jupi : Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = friend.
Venu: Rahu = friend ; Ketu = friend.
Satu: Rahu = enemy ; Ketu = enemy.

For these computations about the nodes, signs of exaltation, moola-trikona and ownership of both nodes as mentioned in Dashā-phalādhyāya of BPHS has been used here (राहोस्तु वृषभं केतोर्वृश्चिकम् तुङ्गसंज्ञकम् । मूलत्रिकोणं युग्मं चापं वेद्यं यथाक्रमम ।। ).

Unfortunately, wrong friendships of nodes are mentioned by many modern authors and used in softwares which defy the classical rule as used in BPHS, mentioned by Satyāchārya and explained above.

For nodes, read the article Own sign, Exaltation and Moola-trikona of Nodes


प्राचीन काल के महान ज्योतिषी सत्याचार्य ने लिखा था :

स्वत्रिकोणाद् धनोच्चायुःसुखान्त्यमतिधर्मपा । सुहृदः शत्रवश्चान्ये समा उभयथोदिताः ।।

किसी ग्रह के मूलत्रिकोण से २, उच्च, ८, ४ , १२, ५ और ९ स्थानों के स्वामी उस ग्रह के (नैसर्गिक) मित्र होते हैं, अन्य स्थानों के ईश उस ग्रह के शत्रु होते हैं, तथा जो ग्रह मित्र एवं शत्रु दोनों हों वे सम होते हैं ।


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