This is the most splendid technique of studying world history. And the marvel is that there is nothing new in it, everything is ancient, but forgotten by everyone during Kaliyuga. First of all, it provides correct astrological explanations of all salient phenomena of history. Secondly, it widens our knowledge of history by providing new insights into facts whose real reasons were unknown. And the last but not the least significance of this technique is the fact that its accuracy proves many things simultaneously : accuracy of SSS (Shri Surya Siddhaanta) for astrology, Divya Varsha as unit of time proves its reality and therefore reality of Creation as calculated in ancient Puranas and Siddhaantas, correctness of the original method of BPHS (Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra) &c
There are three components of this technique. First is the 42000 year long Avasarpini-cycle followed with 1200 year long Utsarpini cycle, both collectively making up 10% of Kaliyuga, which will not be explained here due to its complexity and little utility for astrologers. In this regard, one thing may be mentioned here : siddhaantic Makara Samkraanti of 2000 AD was the ending moment of Avasarpini, after which a 1200-year long phase of extinction of present human specie started simultaneous with evolution of a new specie. This is a secret topic of Mother Nature which no mortal should try to study at all : it is FORBIDDEN. All Dooms-dayers crying "Doomsday" around 2000 AD left this Earth for Hell which they imagined to be Heaven due to inverted minds. The 42000-year long Kaalachakra moves along the surface of a pseudospherical (Lobacheskian) space along a logarithmic scale, whose three major parts are 42000 to 4200 year, 4200 to 420 year, and 420 to zero year. Zero Year is the siddhaantic Makara Samkraanti of 2000 AD and other years are backwards. 42000 years ago, present human sub-specie (Homo Sapiens sapiens) came into existence. 4200 years ago (2200 BC), the ancient civilization of Asuras reached its climax with its occult Tantic knowledge, not known to moderners. All ancient asuric cultures of India, Egypt, China, etc were interlinked. Next major node was 420 years ago in 1580 AD when ancient knowledge was completely forgotten and Renaissance started with a false study of the past and after which Asuric materialism took control of almost everyone : Vedic Knowledge became obscure and forgotten, even by Vedic pandits. We need not explore this field further here, because the following technique does not need these things at all. Only one feature of this Kaalachakra will be needed in astrological explanation of the following article, which will be explained at proper place below. In passing, one point may be mentioned here : at three important junctures of Kaalachakra, namely 40000 BC, 2200 BC and 1580 BC, human population is exactly equal to factorials of 10, 11, and 12, touching the ultimate limit of factorial 13! by the end of Kaalachakra ; the reason is 13 factors of Kaarana Shareera which allow a maximum of 13 variations in astrological genetics of a specie resulting in a limit of 13! or 6227 millions for limiting population for any specie. 84 lakh species multiplied with 13! give a figure which is 150 raised to the power 7.683 or roughly 8. 150 is the number of Naadis in Naadi Astrology, which are distinct divisions of all shodash vargas (it means extra vargas are bogus) , and 8 is the number of planets which can change naadis ; Rahu and Ketu change naadis simultaneously, hence there are only 8 combinations and not nine. It explains the reason behind populations of species. But different species have different Kaalachakras. For instance, tigers have small numbers now while humans are numerous, but during different eras the reverse might be true.
In the picture of D-1 bhaavachalita chart of World in 1579 AD below, there are three concentric circles, smallest circle is in colours which is the Merucentric latitude of 30 degrees and denotes the sum of points which were centres of human civilization around 2200 BC (4200 years before 2000 AD ; this circle also denotes 12 bhaavas). After it the middle circle in black denotes centres around 1580 AD, nearly same as the time of this Divya Varsha chart (420 years before 2000 AD) and is 60 degree Merucentric latitude when centres of civilization in Leo region were around English Channel to Iberia. The largest black circle denotes the centres around 1958 AD (42 years before 2000 AD) and is 90 degree Merucentric latitude, half point, after which USA and Japan became dominant nations in Leo and Vrish regions respectively. Tula was dwarfed by Vrish because in Vrish Venus becomes svagrihi during 35% of time but Tula never gets Venus in Meshaarambha charts.
At the beginning of Kaalachakra of 40000 BC to 2000 AD, centre of gravity of civilizations lied near central Meru (Mt Kenya), but gradually these centres shifted away from Meru towards peripheral regions of each Bhaava, for instance from Kenya to Egypt to Greece to Rome to Germany - France - Spain to England and then to USA in the Leo region ; and from India to China and then to Korea and Japan in the Vrisha (Taurus) region. After 2000 AD, this motion of centre is reversed, causing resurgence of China and then of India in future in Vrish region at the cost of Japan.
These centres of gravity move along logarithmic scale, with 60 divisions. 30th division meant 42000 divided with 10 raised to the power '30 divided by ten', i.e., by 1000, thus giving the result 42, which stands for 42 years before 2000 AD in 1958 AD. Near the central portion of Leo region which lies in Western Atlantic, centre of gravity of Leo region lied at 1958, which means Leo's weightage had shifted towards western shores of Atlantic Ocean in Leo region. Using logarithmic scale on a globe in this way one can find out the eras during which various countries in Leo like Meroitic and then Kushite Sudan, then Egypt, then Greece, then Rome, then Spain, then England, and lastly USA found their heydays. Same with other bhaavas (houses). Out of 12 raashis and houses, only two regions are highly significant in world history : Leo and Vrish. It is because in all Merucentic varshaphala charts of solar years or divya years, Sun always is exalted and thereby gives international prominence to countries in Leo according to their position of the logarithmic scale, and in the Vrish region Venus is either exalted in Meena or svagrigi (in own sign) in Vrish or conjunct with exalted Sun in Mesha, thereby giving prominence to India, China and Japan according to their placement of the logarithmic scale. Due to logarithmic scaling, countries near Meru enjoyed prominence for greater durations than those at peripheries. For instance, USA or Japan enjoys world dominance only for a few decades in comparision to tens of millenia for India or Nile Valley.
Only two components will be explained here : Meru-centric World Chart and Vidisha-centric India Chart of Divya Varsha (360 solar years). These charts have already been explained with illustrations in other articles on this website, and we need not explain those points again here.
Here, only the features and techniques peculiar to Divya Varshaphala Method will be explained through case studies.
Case Study : World Chart of 1579 - 1939 AD
Select "Medini" folder in Kundalee Software, and then select Meru World Chart". In left hand side text box for YEAR, type '1579' and click the SHOW button without changing any other box (keep SSS as default, never try Drik if you want astrological accuracy). You will get D-1 chart with aspect table, and another page with D-1 on rectilinear world map (which is approximately correct with inaccuracy of about one degree). For viewing other Shodash Vargas, click the MAIN button on SWITCHBOARD and type the number of that varga which you want to analyze, and click the SHODASHVARGA button, you will get its detailed chart as well as chart on map. There is no need to copy-paste screenshots here, you should use Kundalee Software to study this article.
Rationale Behind Selection of Christian Years 1579 and 1939
Starting from beginning of Creation ("Srishti"), 1579 AD and 1939 AD were starting points of Divya Varshas, each of which lasts 360 years. Thus, one can find out other onset points easily. Kaliyuga started 1,955,880,000 years after Creation was completed. It took 47400 Divya Varshas by Lord Brahmaa to complete that work : 47400 Divya Varshas is the span from beginning of Kalpa to beginning of Srishti. Planetary movements started with the beginning of Srishti when all planets excepting Ketu were at the start of Mesha and Ashwini. That is why Puranas say that Chandra used to reside with Revati only and did not visit other nakshatras (during those 47400 divya varshas and before that during one Kalpa long night of Lord Brahmaa when divine Surya existed but "bhautika grahas" did not exist as SSS says).
Salient Features of World Chart of 1579 AD : D-1
The most noteworthy point in 1579 AD Meshaarambha D-1 chart is extraordinary strength of Sun : it enjoys VRY (Vipareeta Raaja-yoga) by lording 12H and sitting in 8H (8H means 8th house in bhaavachalita ; never use Rasi chart for prognostication). Sun's exaltation immensely increases its VRY strength. Sun influences two houses most of all : 12H by dint of lordship, and 8H by dint of residence. But a relatively much weak and malefic lord of 8H Mars (lord of 3H + 8H makes it malefic) is not good for 8H, hence Sun's extraordinary blessings go to 12H most of all, in which some portions of NW Africa, almost whole of Western and much of central Europe, and much of Canada and USA lie.

Sun's strength in 1579 AD Meshaarambha chart is equivalent to twice of exaltation due to VRY of exalted planet. Hence, regions of Sun (Leo) subjugated all regions of the world. There was no other planet capable to withstand Sun in power : Saturn was svagrihi but its regions near Meru had exhausted their portions of Fortune during early phases of Kaalachakra, and during the period under discussion, Makara's current centre of gravity lied in Antarctica. Other planets were far weaker. That is why regions around North Atlantic subjugated the whole world in an unprecedented manner. This manner was violent, sinful and malicious, because of the sinful nature of Sun, of 8H and 12H, of Mars being lord of malefic houses and influencing Sun, of 11L Moon conjunct with Sun and 3L Ketu sitting in 12H. Combination of so many malefic and powerful influences made world domination by Europeans a destructive and painful experience for the rest of the world, against the claims of European historians. The regions most adversely affected by this subjugation were those owned by Venus becaue Venus resided in 6H of enemy and disease: Vrish and Tula, in which Hindu and Inca cultures were almost wiped out or forcibly transformed beyond recognition and suffered population losses due to natural or man-made famines and diseases too.
SBC (Sarvato-Bhadra Chakra) shows "y" and "u" of Europe viddha (pierced) with Sun, consonantal "a" not helped by any strong planet. Hence, when the time of America came, it were the Europeans who benefited there and not the natives. In Vrish region, two factors helped China and Japan but India was left out in the lurch : on Kaalachakra India had exhausted its share long ago, and in SBC China was viddha by Sun, by svagrihi Saturn, and by a weak but yoga -giver Mercury (hence China could not be destroyed and enslaved as India was done with), and Japan lied at the coming vortex of Kaalachakra and was viddha in SBC by two relatives of Sun : Mars and Ketu.
There is one saving grace for India : it sits in 9H, hence in spite of all odds real Dharma still remains in existence in this part of world, although in a mutilated and distorted form.
Other regions can be analyzed likewise.
Salient Features of D-10
10L Sun sits in 6H which is not good for Leo region, but in any divisional other than D-1 only two houses are most significant : relevant house such as 10H in D-10 or 5H in D-24 or 3H in D-3, and lagna which is always relevant in all vargas. In this case, lagna-lord Mars is exalted and owns 6H too where Sun sits, and Sun plus Sun's conjunct Ketu are the only planets which have fast friendly and high aspects of Mars. Hence, exalted Mars and Sun ensure political dominance of Europe. But Mars is conjunct with malefic and strong svagrihi Saturn. Combination and mutual enmity of these strong malefics resulted in wars and rivalries of Europeans not only with others but among themselves too. Debilitated Venus in 11H and svagihi Mercury in 8H were politically bad for their regions : India, China, Central Asia, Iran, Gulf, Amazon region to Southern states of USA which lost in the civil war, etc. 3H could not get the benfic of Mars there because its current centre of gravity in Kaalachakra was in Antarctica. In SBC of D-10, Mars had vedha on "v / b" (Britain) and "j" (Germany) which were enmical to Saturn's viddha country Spain &c. Sun and Mars were most enmical to Venus, hence India received political disadvantage and went down.
Salient Features of D-2
While exalted Sun lords 6H and sits in 2H signifying enmities and wars due to wealth and destructions due to enmities, with SBC vedha of Sun on Europe. 6L Sun was in exaltation. Hence, 6H could not be damaged financially as 6H normally does, although malefic consequences of 6H must manifest themselves too. India has Moon and Jupiter in it which are inimical to India's sign but fast friend to Europe's sign, and India's lord Venus languishes with nodes in 11H where Venus gives bad results which become worse because Venus lords 3H and 8H. No other region in the world suffers such financial losses as the nations of Vrish, esp India (because its is weakest in Kaalachakra).
Salient Features of D-20
In D-20 we find exalted and benefic Sun in 9H as 1L : Europeans imposing their religion. Jupiter sat in 1H neutrally as 5L+8L and retrograde. Hence Jupiter was helped by Sun's exaltation. Jupiter was bitter enemy of only Venus. Hence, religious influence of Europe, in whose sign Jupiter sat, was worst for regions ruled by Venus, and worst in those regions of Vrish (e.g., South India) and Tula (e.g., Peru) which had highest aspects of Jupiter. Sun was enemy of Mercury, hence enmity of Europe with regions of Mercury (souther North America, Arabia &c).
Salient Features of D-24
10L Sun sits in moolatrikona and no other planet is more strong than samagrihi (in neutral sign). Hence regions of Leo dominate the world of education without any competition. All nations of Leo contribute, except from those on Kaalachakra whose time was over long ago, because in SBC all vowels are viddha by Sun, hence all nations in Sun's house are viddha by Sun. Jupiter in 6H means religious and sacred knowledge went down and was viewed enmically. 10H was strongest which means knowledge related to 10H expanded most of all : various activities esp manufacturing and industry, explorations and voyages, diplomacy, etc.
Salient Features of D-4
Europe sits in 9H owned by exalted Sun in 5H : high degree of happiness and contentment for Europeans, while the worst planet was Venus : 6L + 11L in 12H, but with a VRY malefic 3L Rahu : general sorrow in regions of Venus like India. Influence of nodes is significant if full planets are absent or if nodes are exceptionally strong.
Salient Features of D-60
Exalted Sun in 6H with neecha and combust Saturn there : Sun cancels Saturn's VRY completely but Saturn fails to cancel Sun's exaltation because Saturn is combust. But Sun becomes highly benefic because its lord Mars has VRY in 8H as 6L and is fast friendly to Sun. Such combinations are very tricky and often baffle astrologers. Jupiter in moolatrikona is good for 2H and 5H : South Africa and Australia. Venus sits in lagna but as 7L + 12L and enmically, hence highly malefic, doing harm to regions of Vrish and Tula. Strong and benefic nodes partially compensate for the losses due to Venus, but Rahu sits in Vrish while Venus and Ketu sit in Vrishchika, hence strong VRY Mars which is friendly to Europe an America is enmical to Vrish and Tula. On the whole D-60 is a very bad chart because five planets sit in Trika / Dushta houses (6-8-12 H), one in killer 2H, and the remaining three are in control of killer and enmical Mars. Dharma (9H) is afflicted, wealth and education plus population grew tremendously due to strong and benefic Jupiter in 2H, manufacturing grew due to fast friendly influence of depositor VRY Mars helping 10L Sun, world's income increases due to 11L sitting in 12H as 8H too, enjoying VRY. Exalted Rahu in 7H raises world trade to new heights.
DVPC (Divya Varsha Pravesha Chakra) is effective for 360 years. Twelve raashis have 360 degrees. One degree corresponds to one solar year in a DVPC. Starting from Meshaarambha (Nirayana First Point of Aries), every planet and house gives its astrological result according to its degree. For instance, if in some varga Venus is at 240.5 degrees , its good or bad main fruit will be reaped after 240.4 siddhaantic solar years starting from DVPC onset time.
How to Time An Event in DVPC : Example
In the current DVPC of 1579 AD, let us find out the chief political event during this entire period of 360 years. Take D-10. It has Venus at 15deg:54':09" in Kanya (Virgo) which is 46.08 % of 360 degrees (World Map in Kundalee Software's D-10 shows this figure 46.08%" written after Venus). 46.08% of 360 is 165.888 years. Add it to onset of DVPC which is 7 Apr 1579 at 17:23:32.3 Meru Time (Kenya Time, +3 hr from Greenwich). Adding 165.888 to 1579.265 gives 1745.153 AD which is time of main fruit of Venus. Venus is neecha (debilitated) in 11H as lord of 7H and 12H : all factors being malefic : politically because it is D-10, and economically because 11H is afflicted, and relates to killing because 7H and 12H are killers. Lord of 11H Mercury is lord of 8H also, svagrihi there with maarakesh Jupiter : enhancing the killing nature. India falls in 7H , a killer house. Neecha Venus in D-10 of DVPC means political downfall of India during this Divya Varsha, and main point of this political downfall is 1745 AD. But Moon also sits there with Venus, hence affects the fruit of Venus. Moon's main fruit come at 1732.661 AD with the same method. Moon is 9L and in fast friend's sign, hence good ; but in 11H and enmical to Venus, hence bad for India. Since both Venus and Moon have bad results for India, their fruits will add up and the worst point in time will be between the two planets. Their arithmetic mean is 1738.907 AD : Nov 27, 7:40 IST. Nader Shah ( conquered Kandahar in 1738 and defeated Mughals on 13 Feb 1739. Exact timing cannot be done with DVPC alone, Varsha Pravesha and Maasa Pravesha charts should be used to pinpoint an event. But here DVPC alone is capable of pinpointing the principal event which caused defeat and disintegration of India's central political power during this entire period of 360 years, leading to consequent political subjugation of India by that country (Britain) whose planet (Sun) had worst enmical aspect on India : Sun was the only planet with bitter enmity with Vrish raashi, and Sun's lord exalted Mars was also enmical to India.
But D-1 gives 1901.86 as the time for India's lord Venus. Venus sat in 6H. During years around 1901-2 AD, India's general population was reeling under malnutrition and diseases on an unprecedented order, and the situation was aggravated due to an enmical government due to 6H Venus.
Using same method of timing, we find in D-2 that the greatest drain of wealth out of India took place around 1864 AD due to Venus in 12H and this drain was mainly from primary sector of economy due to India in 4H.
D-27 shows due to moolatrikona Moon in Vrish, India was strongest around 1633 AD, and atimitragrihi (in fast friendly sign) Venus in 3H of valour as 2L + 7L had its good time around 1649 AD , while Rahu - Mars - Saturn in 6H caused India's defeat (Nadir Shah, Plassey / Palaashee).
Signs also give fruits. E.g., in D-10, 8H lagna no planet, yet it is significant : from 1789 to 1819 (Vrishchika, add 210 to 240 years to 1579.3 for the timing of Vrishchika), which was the period of In real defeat and subjugation when most significant powers like Marathas and Mysore were finally defeated by the British. It was due to lordship of lagna in D-10 by exalted Mars which was 6L too and enmical to India as well as lord of Sun.
Divya Varsha's Maasa - Pravesha - Chakras (DMPC)
A divine year lasts 360 human solar years, hence a divine month lasts 30 solar years. The last month of 1579-DVPC is the DMPC of 1909 lasting till 1939 AD. Make Meshaarambha chart of 1909 in Kundalee Software, it will show results for 30 years (as well as for one year 1909-10). In this D-1 chart, Sun is exalted but bhaavaheena (i.e., Leo does not occupy middle of any house in bhaavachalita D-1) and therefore extremely malefic and potent. Its conjunct planets neecha Mercury and uchcha Venus cancel each other (they are nearer to each other than to Sun or to Saturn). Killer Jupiter in 7H of Europe and 7L killer Moon (6L + 7L) Moon in 12H aggravate the already bad condition of 7H whose half portion is afflicted with bhaavaheena Sun. Moon and Mars from 12 H and bhaavaheena Rahu have malefic aspects on Europe, Ketu has bitter enmical aspect, while bhaavaheena Sun and its conjuncts Mercury-Venus-Saturn are malefic for Europe mainly due to Sun, and Jupiter is killer : none of the planets is benefic. This chart supports a World War possibility mainly for Europe.
War began due to bhaavaheena Rahu whose time was March 1914 and just three months later Austria-Hungary's heir was killed, resulting in start of War on 28 July.
5H is afflicted with bhaavaheena Rahu and neecha lord Mercury : middle of 5H has its timing on 26.6 May 1914.
D-30 has Moon's time on 6 July 1914 : Moon in 8H as lord of Eastern Europe including major portion of Austria-Hungary and Serbia which started the War.
Europe was in 10 H and 9H ,and both lords Sun and Moon were in 6H and 8H respectively in D-30.
For politics, see D-10, in which Europe sits in 12H whose lord Sun has VRY in 8H of death with malefic 3L + 8L Mars in moolatrikona and malefic 11L Moon in 12H : causing death and losses on huge scales but political gain for major powers of Europe which had vedha from VRY Sun plus Mars. 6H Rahu had vedha on Germany and Austria, 3L Ketu on Serbia, hence these nations suffered huge losses. France had SBC benefit from svagrihi Jupiter, giving it benefits due to defeat of Germany.
Divya Varsha's Pratyantara - Pravesha - Chakras (DPPC)
In individual horoscopy, VPC (Varsha pravesha Chakra) lasts for one year, MPC for one month and PPC for 2.5 degrees of Sun (roughly 2.5 days). In present context, DVPC is for 360 years, DMPC for 30 years, and DPPC for 2.5 years. Here are few instances and procedures.
1756 AD DPPC : Battle of Plassey / Palaashee
Last DPPC of 1729-DMPC started from 27.5 th year of this 30-year long DMPC, from Tula Pravesha Chakra of 1756 AD. Type 1756 as year on left side in Meru World Chart of Kundalee Software's Medini folder, and then replace "1" (for Meshaarambha) with 180 (for Tulaarambha) in the large green text box at bottom of input form. It will make Tula Pravesha Chakra of 1756 which gives results for 2.5 years since 13 Oct 1756. This is how raashi pravesh charts should be made in Medini Jyotisha.
In its D-1, India from south to Agra falls in 6H, its lord Venus being highly malefic : 6L + 11L with 3L Rahu in 9H. Very bad for India ! In D-10, India falls in 4H, lord Venus being benefic as 4L + 9L but in enemy Jupiter's sign in 11H, Jupiter being 2L + 11L and svagrihi. Venus is benefic, hence political power was not seized by East India Company, but financial lord Jupiter seized finances from its weak enemy Venus on account of political power of D-10.
1946 AD DPPC : India's Independence
in 1939 current DVPC of 360 years and its first DMPC of 30 years started. After 7.5 solar years its 4th DPPC started since Tularambha of 1946 AD. Type 180 and 1946 as mentioned above to make this chart. In D-1, most of India lies in 4H and its lord Venus is yoga giver being 4L + 9L and in friendly sign of Mars which sits in same bhaava 10H with Venus but Venus and Mars sit in each other's sign : exchange. And they are friendly to each other. 5L + 8L Mercury also sits there in fast friendly sign of Venus. Even more benefic is exalted Rahu around Delhi in 5H. Hence political freedom for India and Pakistan, with Mars causing troubles for India and East Pakistan by dint of being 3L, and Mercury causing religious killings in Pakistan and adjacent India. The surprising element is that Independence came at 34.267% of entire span of this DPPC, which was equivalent to 123.361 degrees, i.e. 3.36 degrees in Leo. Hence, Independence was caused primarily by Sun which was fast friendly to Mars, friendly to Pakistan and neutral to Venus. It shows Independence of India was caused less due to efforts of Indians and more due to European factors : mainly due to Britain's inability to rule colonies owing to its weakening in World War-II.
The so-called Modern Age does not prove to be auspicious for most of the world, it was good only for the Europeans, and for them too only malefic growth and expansion took place without any spiritual advancement. Results for a particular astrological house and region should be sum total of results of various vargas according to vimshopaka strengths of vargas and main strengths of planets (main strength is uchchaadi code of Kundalee Software ; Shadbala should be viewed only when main strength of two opposing planets are equal or comparable). In this article only a summarized view has been presented.
We see that tools like Divya VPC / MPC / PPC (and two other lower levels : Sookhma SPC of 2.5 months or 75 degrees of Sun which can be made in Kundalee Software through half-degree tool on Maps, and Praana PrPC of 6.25 degrees of Sun which cannot be made in Kundalee Software at present ; it is better to use VPC's lower levels for these chakras) can enable us to study world history in great details. This technique can be extended to Vidisha centric Desha Chakra of India for studying regional details. Lower levels of Pradesha Chakra, Mandala Chakra, Nagara and Graama Chakras, and kshetra and Griha Chakras can be made likewise. Fortunes of great structures like forts can be studied with Kshetra Chakra which is the only method if foundation time of such structures are not known. Due to political significance, these techniques were kept secret and therefore were forgotten during Kaliyuga. But all its concepts and tools are ancient. I have invented nothing new. Earlier, I feared rogues could misuse this technique and therefore kept it a secret like my predecessors, but now I am convinced that such rogues will be destroyed by supernatural guardians of these archaic vidyaas.
Should we make DVPC of '-3461' (minus sign for BC) for checking whether conditions of Mahabharata War and Krishnaavataara are supported astrologically or not ? Or causes behind birth and spread of Christianity or Islam ? Politics of Mauryas ? DVPC from 1939 has Kaala-sarpa yoga : it is ominous for the future of mankind : extinction of current sub-specie (and birth of new). I have checked all these charts and much more and found that DVPC is the most marvellous tool for studying long range processes and events of human history. Some examples are given below for further studies.
Rise of Islam : 499 to 859 AD DVPC
Mercury was neecha in 12H as lord of 3H, 6H and 7H, and retrograde, all of which were malefic traits. VRY of so ominously malefic Mercury made it a powerful scourge on the regions it aspected or sat. 12H was in southern Austyralia and New Zealand only where Kaalachakra had not reached yet, hence Mercury could play its role only through aspects. Its highest aspects were on regions which were in its signs as well : where Islam spread like lightening , 6H with 47' and 7H with 53' , and 3H with 44' lord's aspect. 3H contained Saudi, Gulf, Iran, Pakistan (Kaalachakra had touched 45 Merucentric latitude in 672 AD, which lied at 50% greater circle than the circle of bhaavachalita in D1's World Map of 499 AD. 6H and 7H had very high aspects : in Western Africa from Morocco to Nigeria. 5H had fast friendlt aspect, but small, while 4H had neutral aspect, where Byzantine Empire prevented the spread of Islam northwards. These three houses 3H, 6H and 7H were owned and highly aspected by strong and malefic Mercury. Mercury was enmical to 12H of Moksha, 9H of real Dharma, and lagna, hence Mercury's evil influence fell most vehemently on real Dharma and Moksha. Incidently, Prophet Muhammad also had similar Mercury in his birthchart, and had very very powerful yogas. India lied in 2H of exalted Venus, Europe in 5H of exalted Sun, but both accompanied a strong moolatrikona 8L Mars and 11L enmically seated Rahu in seated signifying bloody wars. It is noteworthy that Inia's lord Venus was 2L and exalted, causing prosperity which attracted marauders, but was enmical to 9H of Dharma. It was the period when India Dharma deteriorated and society degenerated : 11L Saturn in India further aggravated this situatioin because Saturn was also highly enmical to Dharma (9H).
1939 to 2299 AD DVPC
Exalted Sun in 6H caused World War-II with the onset of this DVPC since Sun's timing was at the beginning, with greatest impact on 10H owned by Sun in which Europe was situated. Bitter enmical aspect of strong svagrihi and maarakesha Jupiter is 99% on 11H which contains Spain and most of USA : Jupiter's time will harm USA around 2271 AD. But much evil will happen before that : Kaala-Sarpa Yoga (KSY) with Rahu in 12H and Ketu in 6H is highly malefic, with no planet in northern hemisphere of the world and 12H-6H KSY caused enmities, war and losses on colossal scale (more such things to come in future too).
In the 360-year DVPC of 1939, nations around Afghanistan fall in 8H of death. In Dec 1962, 6H timing ended which was running since 1939, and with Cuban missile crisis a dreadful phase ended, gradually leading to detente and then disintegration of Sovient Union in the time of 7H which ended in Dec 1992.
It was because in Divya Maasa Pravesha Chart of 1969-99 (DMPC) , Russia sat in 12H owned by Moon seated in 7H (Moon's timing finished USSR). Exalted Sun in 9H of DMPC resulted in unipolar world domination by NATO, although plagued by malefic but combust Saturn.
In next DMPC starting in 1999, India and China lied in lagna with svagrihi lord Venus there, but Venus was 6L too causing enmities. Venus has SBC (Sarvatobhadra) Vedha on China which reaps the greatest benefit of svagrihi Venus at the loss by India which has vedha only by a weak Ketu during 1999-2029. Exalted Sun in 12H causes decline of USA and Europe at the hand of China. Jupiter is svagrihi too, but uchchabhanga by a necha Mercury and Jupiter is highly malefic. Saturn's VRY in 12H is weakened by exalted and nitterly enmical Sun there. Hence these 30 years are years of Chinese domination.
In D20, Europe and USA will be worst enemies of real Dharma of spirituality due to their lord Sun in 12H but this factor will accelerate a worldwide awakening towards moksha due to exalted 4L in 12H. India in exalted lagna will see great upsurge of Dharma, but subdued by Western influence due to combustion of Venus. West Asia will see real Dharma but with much conflicts : svagrihi 3L Moon there. The only purely benefic planet in D-20 is Saturn : 9L + 10L and in own sign in 9H. Regions owned by it are small : Malagasy and adjoining coastal Africa. But its fast friendly aspects on lagna (India-China-Japan), 5H (entire eastern USA including coastal regions upto Texas, and Western Africa), 6H (Amazon &c) and good aspect on 2H (Iran &c) will lead these regions towards better spirituality.
But 8H timing in DVPC's D1 from 1992 to 2022 will cause much strife, although with political rise of India due to VRY neecha Venus in D-10 as 4L + 9L. This will help India during entire 360 year period too : causing her Independence from British and resurgence during 8H timing (and 9H timing till 2052 too due to 9L Venus in D10, but with great troubles from neecha and 6L Moon in 9H). D9 has superb yoga for India and China : lord Venus in 5H as svagrihi and 5L + 10L.
The most remarkable phenomenon during these 360 years will be India's (and China's too) emergence as educational superpower : in D-24 of DVPC, India in 5H lorded by Venus as 5L + 10L and exalted in 3H of Paraakrama While Venus has SBC vedha on neither India nor China, China has vedha by none while India has vedha by 7L Moon in friendly lagna owned by exalted Saturn, by exalted Saturn and its three conjuncts in 10H (Rahu-Ketu and Mars, causing much educational warfare). Thus, China will be no match to India in the field of knowledge.
In D2 India lies in 12H lorded by Venus in 8H : VRY. Regions influenced by Sun (Europe and USA), Moon (oil rich Islamic states) and Venus (Japan-Korea-China-India) will gain much wealth during 1939 - 2299.