Divisional Charts

Divisionals versus D-1

D1 is also a divisional chart, it is First divisional. Its chief function is Physical Life, esp pertaining to the Body and effects on its comforts and discomforts.
All divisionals influence all spheres of life, but in different ways. For instance, 4H of D1 shows the house of physical residence of the native, 4H of D24 shows the house of education, ie, school or college, because the chief function of entire D24 is education.
Relative strengths of varous divisionals are called Vimshopaka Strengths, as described in BPHS.
Some attributes of D1 shows education, while entire D24 shows education. Both have True Moon's Nakshatra which should be used to create their respective Dasha table, eg, Vimshottari. If the current Vimshottari planet in D24 is much stronger than the current Vimshottari planet in D1, which may not be the same planet, after taking Vimshottari Strength also into account, then D24 will override the impact of D1 during the period of that strong planet of D24. Those who do not take this fact into account think birth time or ayanamsha or something else is wrong.
All Hindi and English translators of BPHS have wrongly described the method of construction of half of divisionals in which reversed order of signs in divisional is needed for constructing them from odd signs of rasi chart.
Lots of people confuse D1 with Rasi Chart. Rasi Chart is the BASIC chart used for all mathematical constructs like all divisionals including D1, aspects, relations, etc. D1 is the Bhaava Chalita (BC) chart. BPHS calls D1 as "Lagna Divisional" Lagna or Ascendant is the First House, and all Houses or Bhaavas are parts of BC chart. In South India, very few astrologers use BC because due to proximity to the equator there is not much difference between Rasi Chart and BC. But as we move away from the equator, their mutual difference increases. All Bhaava-phala (predictive results) must be deduced from the Bhaava Chart (BC).
JHora contains many correct Divisionals, but they should be manually selected which means you need experience. Kundalee Software has correct divisionals in the DEFAULT mode (other options are also available), but I distribute Kundalee Software only in SS (Surya Siddhanta) mode after de-activating the Drik mode (Drik means "perceived" planets, ie Physical planets of modern science).

Deities Of Divisional Charts

D-2 is the only divisional for which deities are being used during past one millenium at least. But in the case of D-2, its 12-house chart has been forgotten, although the language used for making D-2 is almost replica of the language used for D-3, the only difference is number 2 replaced with 3. Deities of other divisionals are not being used for a long time, and verses describing their use have not been preserved anywhere in any classic. But I have spent much time experimenting with deities of divisionals, and now I can use deities in most of the divisionals with confidence, but with caution.

For instance, D-9 is a very important divisional, but its deities have been neglected by everyone. I have provided special modules in Kundalee Software for D-9 deities, best of which is Graphical study of D-9 deities over selected periods of time in order to correlate actual events with respect to D-9 deities. Here i give two examples of my researches :-

The abnormal rise in rape cases during first half of 2014 was caused by preponderance of Rakshasa D9-deity for majority of planets.

D-9 is not merely about spouse. It is about Dharma-patni and Dharma. Dharma cannot be performed without Dharma-patni. Lord Ranma was forced to install golden idol of Sita Ji for performing Dharma. Dharma is Vedic Karmakaanda which strengthens the eternal laws of ethical value system aroung the native, insulating him/her from misfortunes. Uttara-Mimaansaa begins with the sutra :"Athaato Brahma-jigyaasaa", and Poorva-Mimaansa starts with : "Athaato Dharma-jigyaasaa". Poorva Mimaansaa is about Vedic Karmakaanda. Hence, the traditional Vedic definition of Dharma is "Vedic Karmakaanda". All Hindu Samskaaras, such as Upanayana or Vivaaha, come under it. But most significant aspect of D-9 is Dharma-patni and grihastha ashrama, because Dharma is intrinsically connected with Graahastha Dharma. Sanyaasa has nothing to do with ritualistic Dharma. But the essence of ritualistic Dharma is Ethical value system, such as Satya, Ahimsaa, etc. All ethics is rooted in Kaama (libido), as Gita says. Hence the most significant role of D-9 is Libido, and if the deity is Rakshasa then Libido will express itself through demonic ways. If someone's MD planet of D-9 (made from Lunar longitude of D-9) has Rakshasa deity, then there will be great danger of falling off from the path of Dharma during that MD, esp if the planet is not a functional benefic in the chart SC (combining LK, SK, CK).

D-60 deities give fruits according to the dictionary meanings of those words.

D-10's deities are ten Dikpaalas, and they help in finding the Direction in which the native will succeed in career during planetary dashaas.

D-12 deities Sarpa and Yama either kill the parents or give afflictions to them.

D-30 deities are directly related to Pancha-tattvas in the following manner :-

Agni, Vaayu, Indra, Kubera, Varuna =
Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus =
Agni, Vaayu, Akaasha, Prithvi, Jala =
Roopa, Sparsha, Shabda, Gandha, Rasa =
Eyes, Skin, Ears, Nose, Tongue (five sense organs) =
Pitta, Vaata, none, all, Kapha

The sense organs are related philosophically, but not usable in D-30 unless with accidents (not tested empirically), but Vaata-Pitta-Kapha correlate D-30 with ailments.

I have not succeeded in using in actual practice the deities in some divisionals, such as D-3, D-4, D-16, D-20, D-24, etc, because the word meanings do not help and ancient texts are wanting. Further research is needed. I do not value hypotheses built in air without practical tests.

In any divisional chart excepting D-1, Lagna and that house related most closely to the main topic of that divisional is directlt related to the main topic of that divisional. For instance, in D-7, 1H and 5H is most significant when Vimshottari Dashaa is used for analysing timings. In D30, 1H and 6H are most significant. In D9, 1H and 9H are most important. And so on. But all twelve houses in all divisionals throw light of aspects of that house related to that particdivisional. For instance, 4H in D24 shows the place of education, ie, the quality of school or college.

D-7 Deities

Now, take the case of D-7. its deities are same as mentioned in Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishada in the chapters on Garbhaadhaana Samskaara. If all five Vimshottari planets (computed from D-7 Moon) have Ksheera deity in D-7, then the native will beget offspring of divine or semi-divine character, at least in matters related to Dharma and Moksha. Those who are not grihasthas get Shishya due to auspicious deities of D-7. These are my practical observations.

All versions of BPHS explain D7 deities, the only error is that Even Signs of D1 should have D7 signs and deities in reversed order, ie , starting the sequence of 7 signs and their deities from the bottom. As for the details about Garbhaadhaana Samskaara, no Hindu or even brahmins perform it now, and its ancient rituals can be studied through Grihya Sutras ; last (6th) chapter (its 4th section or Brahmana has two sub-sections : Garbhaadhaana and Naamakarana) in Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishada mentions some special mantras to get offsprings of desired quality and there the deities are same as in D7 of BPHS. There, verse-14 describes the use of Ksheera (deity of D7), verse-15 shows use of Dadhi deity (curd), verse-16 describes Jala deity, etc etc. Complete description of Garbhaadhaana Samskaara is not there, but verse-19 mentions use of Sthaaleepaaka Yajna in this context. Grihya Sutras and related texts throw more light on it. But real Vedic religion (ritualistic Karmakaanda, not for philistine profession) is a thing of past, even brahmins pay a lip service to it and do not practice it in fact.

I do not want to disclose the ritual of Garbhaadhaana-samskaara, because no one will be able to use it in actual practice now-a-days (and some mantras are apparently but not actually pornographic in language). Garbhaadhaana Samskaara is only for those who have complete control on Libido and are capable of using Seminal ejaculation ONLY for procreation, otherwise observing unfailing Brahmacharya. That is Lord Krishna described Arjuna as a Brahmachaaree (in the chapter dealing with Brahmaastra-War between Arjuna and Ashvatthaamaa).

Divisionals versus Twelve Houses

Divisionals have strange relations with twelve houses as shown below :-

D1 for physical existence vs 1H for Deha,
D2 vs 2H,
D3 vs 3H,
D4 vs 4H (Sukha, which is real Bhaagya),
D7 vs Kaama (which begets offsprings),
D9 vs Dharma (and Dharma-patni) of 9H,
D10 vs 10H,
D12 and 4H plus 9H (12H is 9th from 4H and 4th from 9H, hence 12H correlates both parents),
D16 vs 12+4H,
D20 vs 12H + 8H (secret or spiritual knowledge which is not possible without Upaasanaa),
D24 vs 12+12H which is supreme knowledge leading to Moksha (scriptures say that the only passport to Moksha is Gyaana),
D27 vs 12+12+ 3H of Paraakrama,
D30 vs 12+12+ 6H,
D40 vs 12+12+12+ 4H,
D45 vs 12+12+12+ 9H,
D60 vs 12H (all subjects, because Moksha through 12H is possible only after dealing finally with everything).

This is a simplified presentation. Now come to particulars , with the example of 4H :-

D4 : Sukha (real Bhaagya)
D16 : Vaahana (Vehicles)
D28 : unknown
D40 : Matrilineal Heritage or Inheritence,
D52 : unknown.

There are five chief topics in each house, giving rise to 60 divisionals, 16 of which have significant vimshopaka strengths to be useful in astrology. Landed property, houses, etc are related to 4H but when I experimented with D28 and D52 many years ago, I found unconvincing results. But I had experimented without even sign reversal. Maybe with even sign reversal, these divisionals could work. Further research is needed.


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